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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 126 in IUFRO News Vol. 43, Double Issue 10&11, mid-November 2014

"In the bog" conference addressed key paradigms in peatland research from restoration for landscape and ecosystem functions to the generally neglected histories and heritage in the bogs.

The conference entitled 'In the Bog – the Ecology, Landscape, Archaeology and Heritage of Peatlands', took place on September 3-5 in Sheffield, UK. It was co-sponsored by IUFRO Working Party 9.03.01 Social and Economic History and brought together speakers and poster presentations from a range of disciplines, backgrounds and countries to examine the fascinating ecologies, heritage, histories and functions of peat bogs across the world.

The fragile nature of peatland ecosystems across the world was highlighted continually. Cross-disciplinary studies and research are key to furthering the understanding of these systems and bringing them to the notice of the general public as well as academics and practitioners.


Download the full Scientific Summary:

In the Bog – the Ecology, Landscape, Archaeology and Heritage of Peatlands

By Ian Rotherham, Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party 9.03.01 Social and Economic History
Meeting website:

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