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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 140 in IUFRO News Vol. 45, Double Issue 8/9, mid-September 2016

An expert workshop in the Kyrgyz Republic highlights the role of mountain forests in Central Asia in providing critical ecosystem services and mitigating natural hazards.

Ecosystem Services and Natural Hazards of Mountain Forests in Central Asia

The International Expert Workshop on Ecosystem Services and Natural Hazards of Mountain Forests in Central Asia took place on 18–22 July 2016 in Kapriz Center, Baktuu – Dolonotu, Kyrgyz Republic. This was the third meeting of the IUFRO Research Group on Restoration of Degraded Sites held in Central Asia after Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in 2014 and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in 2015.

Among other things, participants discussed an Ecological and Economic Accounting System that is under development for monitoring global policy frameworks and incorporating the value of ecosystem services into national GDP accounting. They also underscored the importance of mountain water resources for dry and highly populated regions that depend on irrigated arable land. One of the measures to stabilize irrigated arable land is the creation of protective forest stands there.

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