

Scientific Summary 98 in IUFRO News Vol. 41, Issue 11&12, December 2012

Participants of the meeting on 'Managing forests for ecosystem services: can spruce forests show the way?' discussed how to use spruce-dominated forests as a 'model' system to evaluate MEA concepts.

At the conference 'Managing forests for ecosystem services: can spruce forests show the way?' in Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2012, scientists, policy makers and forest managers from various countries discussed how knowledge about forest resources and societal demands could be combined to develop effective methods for providing ecosystem services in the face of changing climate conditions. The aim of the meeting was to use spruce-dominated forests as a 'model' system to evaluate the concepts promulgated by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) and successor documents and to see how these could be translated into strategic, tactical and operational forest management regimes.


Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:

Managing Forests for Ecosystem Services: Can Spruce Forests Show the Way?

By W.L. (Bill) Mason, Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party 1.01.08

scicsumm98-spruce.pdf195 Ki
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