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Annual Report 2021

This IUFRO Annual Report looks different from previous reports. After a joint message by the IUFRO President and the Executive Director you will find selected activities from Divisions, Task Forces, Special Programmes and Projects presented under thematic clusters. This new approach has been taken to minimize the reporting burden for IUFRO Units, to use the information collected for the Strategy Action Plan, and to move away from a mere documentation format towards a communication format. The electronic version provides hyperlinks to more information about activities, IUFRO Units and more. Please note that this report is published online only.

In their message the IUFRO President and IUFRO Executive Director emphasize that despite the many challenges the world is facing today, IUFRO and the global forest science community we represent have remained deeply committed to the collaborative development and effective communication of the knowledge and innovation needed to create a better future for forests and all who rely on the essential goods and services they provide.

The thematic clusters in this report highlight a wide range of activities by IUFRO Divisions, Task Forces, Special Programmes and Programmes throughout 2021, but the list is non-exhaustive.

These clusters are:

  • Understanding and Responding to Climate Change
  • Restoring Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes
  • Advancing Gender Equality and Forest Education
  • Addressing Social Dimensions of Forests
  • Innovating for Sustainable Forest Management and Bioeconomy

A special chapter is dedicated to the digital IUFRO World Day event on 28 and 29 September 2021. The event offered 24 hours of networking with 79 live sessions, including three science/policy forums, and 50 contributions of static content on forest-related research topics. It was held in three time zones - Africa/Europe, North/South America, and Asia/Oceania - and over 3000 participants from more than 100 countries all over the world registered for the event. Furthermore, the variety and quantity of webinars held in 2021 also demonstrates how well IUFRO scientists have adopted new ways of virtual meetings and knowledge exchange.


ar21.pdf27 Mi
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