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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 78, 2011

"Cultural Inheritance and Innovation of Wood and Wood Products" was the theme of the China-ASEAN International Wood Culture Forum that took place in China and was supported by IUFRO Division 5.

The China-ASEAN International Wood Culture Forum that took place in China in November 2010 focused on Cultural Inheritance and Innovation of Wood and Wood Products in China-ASEAN and covered the following five topics: Resources and historical cultural characteristics of wood and wood products in China-ASEAN; the culture integration and innovation of wood products based on cultural market trends; wood culture for corporate identity; wood industry's responsibility; platform for learning and developing wood culture for the betterment of wood. The forum that was organized by the International Wood Culture Society (IWCS) and supported by the China Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association and IUFRO Division 5 attracted some 100 representatives from China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore.


Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:

Cultural Inheritance and Innovation of Wood & Wood Products

by Jinling Su, Deputy Coordinator 5.10.01 - Wood Culture


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