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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 125 in IUFRO News Vol. 43, Issue 9, mid-September 2014

Int'l meeting on genetics of five-needle pines and rusts of forest trees research discussed advances in gene conservation, genomics, rust resistance, impacts of climate change, and more...

The international meeting on "Challenges and Opportunities in (1) Genetics of Five-Needle Pines and (2) Rusts of Forest Trees Research: Conservation, Evolution and Sustainable Management in a Changing Climate" took place from June 15-20, 2014, in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. 

Discussions focused on key issues and latest findings in the field: Advances in genomics and genomic resources in forest trees and rusts of forest trees; Genetic resistance to white pine blister rust investigations underway in high elevation, non-commercial species; Gene conservation; Climate change impacts on five-needle pines.

Download the full Scientific Summary:

Genetics of Five-Needle Pines and Rusts of Forest Trees Research: Challenges and Opportunities

By Richard Sniezko and Anna Schoettle, both US Forest Service, Coordinator/Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party 2.02.15

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