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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 142 in IUFRO News Vol. 45, Issue 11, late November 2016

There is a need for higher societal awareness of silvo-pastoral systems, as their multi-functionality and resilience is often not duly valued.

World Congress on Silvo-pastoral Systems

This need was highlighted at the 'World Congress on Silvo-pastoral Systems in a Changing World: Functions, Management and People' held in Évora, Portugal on 27-30 September 2016. The Congress was organized by the University of Évora (PT) and the University of Extremadura (SP), with support from IUFRO Working Party 8.01.02 Landscape Ecology. Some 300 researchers from 52 different nationalities from all over the world were present and shared their work and reflections.

Participants concluded that silvo-pastoral systems would need greater visibility in order to be able to create the conditions for novel adaptive management models and public policy interventions that can bring about new sustainability conditions, also in regions of environmental and economic marginality. This should be achieved through: i) continued and reinforced joint work, ii) a global network, or a strong partnership of existing networks, iii) a periodic World Congress organization prepared by local organization supported by an accompanying committee gathering the existing networks.

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