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Science for Policy


IUFRO, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is hiring a Project Manager to start on 1 October 2024.[mehr]


TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS invites you to join the launch webinar of a new evidence-based synthesis report on Europe's wood supply in disruptive times.[mehr]


Viola Belohrad joined the Science-Policy Programme (SciPol) of IUFRO as a Project Manager on 15 September 2023! [mehr]


The Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme has now developed from a project initiative into a fully-fledged Science-Policy Programme in accordance with the post-2020 Strategy of IUFRO and its objective to further enhance...[mehr]


The UNFF Bureau-led hybrid event on 4 April comes as the global communities face multiple complex crises including poverty, inequality, global warming, biodiversity loss and extreme weather events caused by climate change.[mehr]


The Policy Brief summarizes the key messages of the Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) global assessment report "Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options".[mehr]


This comprehensive report presents the outcomes of the 8th scientific assessment undertaken in the framework of the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative.[mehr]


Join GFEP for the launch of a new global scientific report on Forests and Human Health on 21 March 2023, 15:00-16:00 CET, on the International Day of Forests.[mehr]


IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme proudly announces the launch of the French version of our latest publication, Forests, Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: An Expanded Policy Brief, on 17 January, 2022.[mehr]


Le Programme IUFRO des Groupes mondiaux d’experts forestiers (GFEP) a le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement le 17 janvier 2022 de la version française de notre dernière publication : Les forêts, les arbres et la diminution de la...[mehr]


10 years after the publication of the global assessment report on Biodiversity, Forest Management, and REDD+, IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme is currently preparing a follow-up study to update the latest...[mehr]


À luz do próximo Dia Internacional de Erradicação da Pobreza, o Programa do Painel Global de Especialistas Florestais (GFEP) da IUFRO lança a versão em português de sua mais recente publicação, Florestas, Árvores e o Alívio da...[mehr]


In light of the upcoming International Day of Poverty Eradication, IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme launches the Portuguese version of our latest publication, Forests, Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa:...[mehr]


IUFRO-led Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative recently initiated a new assessment on the topic of Forests and Human Health.[mehr]


"We know that in times of crises forests and other natural resources really are the safety net for the poor", remarked Mette Løyche Wilkie, Chair, Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), at the closing session of this...[mehr]


Join GFEP at a side event during the 16th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF16)![mehr]


This comprehensive report presents the outcomes of the 7th scientific assessment undertaken in the framework of the Global Forest Expert Panels initiative (GFEP).[mehr]


Join the virtual launch of the Global Assessment Report, edited by Daniel C Miller, Stephanie Mansourian and Christoph Wildburger, on 15 October 2020![mehr]


Forests can be directly or indirectly linked to almost all SDGs and are central for nature based-solutions and transformative pathways towards sustainability. [mehr]


Join WFSE at a side event during the 2020 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).[mehr]


This autumn a report will be launched on how forests and tree-based landscapes can affect poverty and the wellbeing of the poor! [mehr]


IUFRO's Special Project on World Forests, Society and Environment (WFSE) has started work on its latest project.[mehr]


At present, the news and our everyday lives are defined by the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The restrictions all over the world have also significantly impacted all planned IUFRO meetings and events. [mehr]


In the framework of the IUFRO-led Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme, a new assessment on the topic of Forests and Poverty will be launched this autumn.[mehr]


A new comprehensive assessment of potential and anticipated impacts of efforts towards attaining the different SDGs on forests and forest-related livelihoods and development has just been published. [mehr]


In November 2019 the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) entered into a multiyear strategic partnership with the aim to...[mehr]


The R20 Austrian World Summit on 28 and 29 May 2019 in Vienna will for the first time include a Breakout Session on forests and climate change. [mehr]


New publication providing facts, figures and key messages to encourage more investments in forest and landscape restoration, leading to more restoration action.[mehr]


This comprehensive report presents the outcomes of the 6th scientific assessment undertaken in the framework of the Global Forest Expert Panels initiative (GFEP).[mehr]


Watch an interview with GFEP scientists on the vital role of forest and water interactions for cities! [mehr]


International CPF conference on 20-22 February 2018 successfully engaged a broad range of key stakeholders in a dialogue on counteracting deforestation.[mehr]


At this year's Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn, Germany, IUFRO will co-host two discussion forums and share a booth with partner organizations at the Restoration Pavilion throughout the event. [mehr]


Water provision and filtering, conservation of soils and climate regulation are among the many services connected to trees and forests, influenced by the interactions between forests and water.[mehr]


IUFRO-WFSE held a side event at UNFF12 in New York.[mehr]


Fostering Partnerships to Build Coherence and Support for Forest Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration.[mehr]


The most recent GFEP global assessment report on "Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade" is officially launched at the CBD COP13 in Cancún, Mexico, on 3 December 2016.[mehr]


IUFRO launches its policy brief on forest landscape restoration today at COFO 23 World Forest Week hosted at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, Italy.[mehr]


IUFRO WFSE and FAO Finland Forestry Programme organized 1st of March 2016 an international seminar which was held in Helsinki, Finland, and supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.[mehr]


As world leaders convene in 2015 to agree on Sustainable Development Goals and a new climate deal, the Forum will leverage this historic opportunity to shape the world’s development agenda for decades to come. [mehr]


The International Forests and Water Dialogue, a two-day special event during the XIV World Forestry Congress, was conceived to encourage discussion on forest-water interactions and the integration of forest-water science,...[mehr]


Forests and trees provide a vital source of food and nutrition to millions of people the world over. Tree-based systems are particularly critical for food security in drylands. [mehr]


On 25 June the expert panel chair, Professor B Vira, will discuss findings of the report in a panel discussion on "Forests, Food and Life" in the "Breathe Austria" Pavilion of the EXPO2015 in Milan. [mehr]


The IUFRO Special Project: World Forests, Society and Environment has just published its latest newsletter![mehr]


4 May 2015 - General statements by Groups and Member States[mehr]


Forests hold the potential to contribute to sustainable local development in many regions of the world. For this potential to be realized, rural dwellers need access to healthy forests, and more. [mehr]


Scientists underline crucial role of forests and trees as a renewable resource for multiple bio-products and the need for cross-sectoral cooperation at an IUFRO Symposium in Vienna.[mehr]


IUFRO is pleased to announce the Bio-economy Symposium which will be held as part of the Austrian Forest Dialogue (Walddialog), prior to the IUFRO Enlarged Board meeting.[mehr]


At the Bonn Challenge 2.0 meeting on 20-21 March IUFRO presents a stoplight framework developed by IUFRO scientists to demonstrate how FLR can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation...[mehr]


IUFRO is pleased to announce the Bio-economy Symposium which will be held as part of the Austrian Forest Dialogue (Walddialog), prior to the IUFRO Enlarged Board meeting.[mehr]


"Shifting global development discourses: Implications for forests and livelihoods"[mehr]


Faced with a continuously expanding global population, particularly in developing countries, securing sufficient food for over 9 billion people by 2050 is of prime concern.[mehr]


New Findings on the Dynamics between Forests, Land Use and Food Security[mehr]


A comprehensive study of the conditions that assist sustainable forest development will be published at the upcoming IUFRO World Congress this fall in Salt Lake City, USA.[mehr]


On 11 May 2010 IUFRO launched its new policy brief "Making African Forests Fit for Climate Change" at the SBSTTA14 in Nairobi, Kenya.[mehr]


The use and conservation of forests and trees around the globe is governed by a multitude of international agreements and instruments.[mehr]