8.04.01 - Detection and monitoring
Upcoming Conference: Acid Rain 2020
The Future Environment and Role of Multiple Air Pollutants, 10th International Conference on Acid Deposition;
Niigata City, Japan; 17-21 April 2023.
Units involved: 8.04.01, 8.04.03, and 8.04.06.
The upcoming conference is entitled "ACID RAIN 2020: The Future Environment and Role of Multiple Air Pollutants", which covers issues not only specific to acid rain but also a wide range of scientific topics relating to various air pollutants, including ozone, particulate matters, etc. We hope that the broader scope will activate the conference and deepen acid rain research as well.
Deadline for submission of papers: extended to 31 October 2022!
International Conference "Air Pollution threats to Plant Ecosystems" -- POSTPONED DUE TO CORONA VIRUS OUTBREAK
Paphos, Cyprus; NEW DATE: 11-15 October 2021
Following the postponement of the 2020’ conference due to COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to announce that the international conference entitled “Air Pollution threats to Plant Ecosystems” will be held in Paphos (Cyprus) on 11-15 October 2021. All needed sanitary directives will be implemented on site. Due to exceptional conditions, up-do-date information will be regularly released by emails.
Air pollution and climate change remain a persistent threat to plant ecosystems, urging for international cooperation and unified research efforts. This international event is co-organized by the Committee on Air Pollution Effects Research on Mediterranean Ecosystems (CAPERmed), the International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO) and the International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops (ICP Vegetation). The conference, for the first time combining three events, will serve as an excellent example of effective international collaboration in the research of air pollution and plant ecosystems.
Do not miss this cornerstone of international science. The CAPERmed IV meeting will be held back-to-back with the 3rd International Conference on “Ozone and Plant Ecosystems” and the 30th international biennial conference of the IUFRO Research Group on “Air pollution and climate change” on 11-14 October 2021. A full-day excursion is planned on 15 October 2021.
Abstract submission: 1 September 2021. All abstracts "accepted" in 2020 remain "accepted", a revised version can be sent by 1st September 2021.
Early-bird registration: 15 September 2021
Late registration: starting 16 September 2021
More details:
New website: https://cyprus2021.com/
Contact: Dr. Pierre Sicard (pierre.sicard@arches-conseils.fr)
Twitter: @PlantsPollution