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"Keep Asia Green" - Volume II

During the second phase of the Keep Asia Green Publication Project forest scientists from countries in Northeast Asia work together to compile state-of-the-art information on the rehabilitation of degraded forests in the region. Because of significant differences in economic development between countries, the objectives of forest rehabilitation in this region vary considerably. While in China, Mongolia and North Korea basic livelihood issues are the main focus of forest rehabilitation, more economically advanced countries such as Japan, Russia and South Korea concentrate on ecosystem management and further improvement of the quality of existing forests, rather than establishing new forests on previously deforested lands. The results of this work have been published as IUFRO World Series Volume 20-II: Keep Asia Green Volume II "Northeast Asia". The papers presented in this volume are listed below:


Michael Kleine and Don Koo Lee
Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest Lands in Northeast Asia – A Synthesis

Bin Wu, Zhiqiang Zhang, and Lixia Tang
Forest Rehabilitation in Mainland China

Ho Sang Kang, Joon Hwan Shin, Don Koo Lee, and Samantha Berdej
Forest Rehabilitation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Joon Hwan Shin, Pil Sun Park, and Don Koo Lee
Forest Restoration in Korea

Nagata Shin
Accomplishments & Challenges of Japan’s Reforestation: 140 Years of History after the Meiji Restoration

Jamran  Tsogtbataar
Forest Rehabilitation in Mongolia

Victor K. Teplyakov, Andrey N. Filipchuk, and Sergey A. Rodin
Rehabilitation of Russian Forests

Coordination Workshop:
A two-day workshop was held at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 12-13 May, 2007. In this workshop the lead authors presented major aspects of forest and land rehabilitation in their countries. The situation in each country was then discussed. Based on these deliberations the authors agreed on a general list of content that will guide the compilation of the country contributions. Further the authors also decided about a work plan for 2007 guiding the activities including drafting of the country reports and synthesis paper, editorial meeting and final production of the publication. More details about the results of the coordination workshop can be found in the workshop report.

Editorial Meeting:

The group of lead authors convened in Seoul on 13 and 14 October, 2007, to discuss the progress made thus far in the preparation of Volume II of the Keep Asia Green book on Northeast Asia. Besides decisions on the final lay-out of the book, the list of contents of a synthesis paper was developed providing an account of the most important issues and findings contained in the book. For more information about the editorial meeting please refer to the meeting report.

The second volume of the Keep Asia Green series is now available. For copies please contact: schimpf(at)