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International Conference on Forest Landscape Restoration under Global Change


“Synthesising and Sharing Globally Available Forest-related Scientific Knowledge”

San Juan, Puerto Rico, 6-9 June 2017

The Conference report is now available!


The conference was organised by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) in partnership with the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and the United States Forest Service.

The Conference

The one-week conference (by invitation only) was implemented in two different, but interconnected, events as follows:

  • Knowledge-sharing Workshop “Translating global FLR policy into local action” taking place 6-8 June 2017
    Participation of 60 experts on forest landscape restoration from around the world

  • Ministerial-level Policy Dialogue: “Shaping policy for FLR implementation” taking place on 9 June 2017
    Ministers and government officials from 7 countries discuss policy needed for effective restoration on the ground.

Expected Results
The international conference resulted in the following outputs related to three major target audiences:

•    Practitioners: identification of workable  approaches and activities for FLR at national and local scales;

•    Policy makers: recommendations on enabling governance and policy frameworks for forest landscape restoration at national levels; recommendations on international cooperation for further enhancing large-scale FLR implementation.

•    Scientists: identification of existing knowledge gaps, additional research needs and new insights into FLR implementation; and the way forward for closer cooperation between scientists and practitioners in support of FLR implementation;

The results will contribute to major forthcoming international events in 2017, including:

•    The IUFRO 125th Anniversary Conference in Freiburg, Germany in September 2017;

•    The Conference of the Parties 2017 of the UNFCCC COP;

•    CBD SBSTTA in 2017; and

•    Global Landscape Forum, Bonn, Germany, in December 2017.

                                                                    CONFERENCE PROGRAMME

                                                                       CONFERENCE REPORT

Presentations Day 1:

Integrated Landscape Approaches for FLR Implementation
(Campos, J.)

Policy Integration for Reforestation in the Republic of Korea
(Youn, Y-Ch.)
Role of Planted Forests for Biodiversity Conservation & Restoration: Build it and they will come?
(Parrotta, J.)
Forest and Ecosystem Service Rehabilitation in the Anthroposcene: Lessons from Contrasting Costa Rican Landscapes
(Finegan, B.)
Governance and Forest Landscape Restoration (Mansourian, St.)
  Initiative 20x20:  A country-led effort to change the dynamics of land degradation in Latin America and the Caribbean (Zamora, R.)
Land tenure and access to land for forest landscape restoration in Ghana (Foli, E.)
International Arrangement (Atlantic Forest Pact) (Pinto, S.)

ROAM: a collaborative framework to help landscape planning and decision-making for FLR
(Kumar, Ch.)

Local level Planning and Design of FLR Projects
(Kant, P.; Stanturf, J.; Kleine, M.)

Towards harmonized and cost-effective monitoring frameworks for FLR: Joining efforts through the Collaborative Roadmap
(Zoveda, F.)

Participatory Monitoring and Forest Landscape Restoration
(Guariguata, M.)

Enhancing the role of natural regeneration in large-scale forest and landscape restoration
(Chazdon, R.)

The Framework Species Method: A Tool For Building Climate Change Resilience Into Tropical Forest Ecosystem Restoration
(Elliott, St.)
Factors that affect adoption of tree conservation and planting activities in farms in Costa Rica (Louman, B.)

Integrating trees in agricultural landscapes with agroforestry (Graudal, L.)

Restoration Outcomes: Decades Later
(Lugo, A.)

Presentations Day 2:



Rehablitation of Degradated Land with Native Tree Species in Kalimantan
(Schwegler, J.)

Landscape Governance Capacity Framework   framework for assessment and strategic guidance of governance at landscape level
(Hennemann, I.)

Building Productive Landscapes: Experience from Northern Ethiopia
(Anjulo, A.)

FLR Through Conservation & SFM in Sabah, Malaysia
(Ong, R.C.)

Tropical Managed Forests: Why do They Matter in Restoration Programs
(Sist, P.)

Understanding Social Landscapes
(Ray, S.)

Restoring keystone species through biotechnology
(Jacobs, D.)

Strategies For Adapting FLR To Climate Change
(Stanturf, J.)

Adaptive measures- a view on global regions
(Bolte, A. and IUFRO TF 31)

Forest stand management regimes under changing environmental conditions
(Bauhus, J.)

Assisted Migration: Intentionally moving species or populations to mitigate changes in climate
(Dumroese, R.K. and Williams, M.I.)

Seeking provenances/species that will be better adapted to future climate
(Madsen, P.; Sagheb-Talebi, K.; Hansen, O.K.; Larsen, J.B.)

Financing strategies for Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR)
(Zoveda, F.)

Coordinating Finance for F&LR Across Sectors - How do we get to sustainable landscape investing?
(Wertz, L.)

Seed Capital Assistance Facility for FLR
(Cremer, M.)

Catalyzing Investments in Landscape Restoration
(Apel, U.)



With an estimated 25% of the global land surface being degraded in one way or another, and about 15 % considered appropriate for forest landscape restoration (Global Map of Opportunities on FLR – GPFLR) , there is significant potential for restoring landscapes at a large scale by using trees and other woody vegetation. Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) aims to improve the landscape for people and for biodiversity, through several approaches – agroforestry, tree planting, natural regeneration, connecting forest fragments, etc. and has the potential to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation by increasing the productivity of landscapes, enhancing the resilience of forest ecosystems, and reducing the vulnerability of forest-dependent human communities.

With the establishment of the Bonn Challenge global policy initiative, calling for the restoration of 150 million hectares of deforested and degraded lands by 2020, political support for restoring degraded lands has significantly increased in recent years. This challenge seeks to actively engage states helping them achieve progress on their existing international commitments under the CBD Aichi Target 15, UNFCCC REDD+ goal and the Rio+20 land degradation target, all intended to lead to carbon richer landscapes that are biodiverse, economically productive, and resilient to climatic vulnerabilities. Restoring degraded forests and forest landscapes has also become an important component within the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda through various SDGs. To-date a total of 150 million hectares has been committed under the Bonn Challenge for restoration.

Over the past 10 years, considerable efforts have been underway by the science and technology community in promoting forest landscape restoration in all regions of the world. IUFRO has been an active member of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR) since its inception. Given the scale and complexity of forest landscape restoration challenges worldwide, there is a clear need to further enhance the collection and syntheses of scientific knowledge from different regions and to promote interactions between science, policy and practice.