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TF Precision Pest Management (PPM) in Forest Ecosystems

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Calendar of Meetings

Past Events

Global Challenges and Innovative Management of Bark and Wood Borers in Planted Forests; Bordeaux, France; 29 August - 1 September 2023; Units involved: 7.03.05, 7.03.07, 7.03.16; Task Force on Precision Pest Management (PPM) in Forest Ecosystems, Task Force on Resilient Planted Forests Serving Society & Bioeconomy. Conference homepage - Pre-registration formReportBook of Abstracts    

Task Force Activities, Deliverables and Timelines (2022-2024)

The Task Force will engage in Research, Networking and Mentoring. Research –in 2022/23 the groups and sub-groups associated with the primary and secondary foci and associated leadership structure will be developed. Annually, these will be evaluated and changes made as priorities and activities of the Task Force change. Once the groups and sub-groups are formed, each will look to invite participants once expertise needs are identified. Emphasis will be given to Divisions 1 (expertise in stand management planning / design / manipulation to reduce pest loading / promote natural enemies), 2 (expertise in breeding for resistance and the deployment of resistant stock), 4 (exploration of use of expertise and technologies from this Division for the development of PPM tactics and strategies), 6 (role of PPM in urban forestry/ examination of ethics and equity issues in PPM in forest ecosystems), Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education (fostering international networking with focus on PPM in forest ecosystems/ capacity building opportunities for students and young researchers), 8 (the role of PPM in maintenance of forest ecosystem functions and biodiversity) and 9 (explore the role of communication in successful PPM/ how to engage the public to enhance PPM (e.g., citizen science and surveillance)/ role of extension in PPM) given their relevance to the Task Force subject matter. The focal groups will then identify review and concept paper topics and begin working on them (2022-2024). Our plan is to produce a special issue on PPM in late 2023/ early 2024 and to this end I have met with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Ecological Applications to discuss the topic (formal application to the journal is pending a decision on the proposed TF).

In addition, many of the topics covered in these journal papers have significant policy implications. TF members will be strongly encouraged to develop policy briefs that summarize relevant policy implications and these then will be shared with member NPPOs and government forest science networks (e.g., CFIA, APHIS, CFS, USDA-FS). We have also begun discussion with the CFS Policy Integration Branch regarding the development of a series of workshops to facilitate exchange between researchers and policy makers with respect to PPM. Another deliverable that the TF will look to begin developing in the next 2 years is a database of insect pests and diseases of trees linked to the database the TF "Monitoring Global Tree Mortality Patterns and Trends" is developing on tree mortality. The TF also has begun planning for a symposium on PPM in a joint WP meeting in 2023 (discussions are ongoing with WP 7.03.05) and a technical session at the IUFRO 2024 World Congress.

Networking – in fall of 2022 we will develop a webinar series. Starting in 2023, the Task Force will deliver a webinar once per month over the course of the year. In 2023 the Task Force will look to organize a symposia at a IUFRO meeting (e.g., potential joint WP 7.03.05 and 7.03.16 meeting). In 2024, the Task Force will organize a meeting that will highlight the work of the groups and sub-groups and evaluate the potential to continue the Task Force for a 5-year term starting in 2024. Mentoring – will be a part of all activities of the Task Force. Mentees will not only participate in the activities and deliverables described above in research and networking but they will actively contribute to their development and coordination.

Contribution to Inter-Division Collaboration and IUFRO Science-Policy Initiatives: The primary objective of the proposed PPM TF is to be the global voice of PPM in forest ecosystems. The TF will aim to advance the development of PPM in forest ecosystems and promote knowledge sharing to foster the development of science-based solutions to pest challenges in forest ecosystems. This objective aligns with the vision of IUFRO to be the global voice and network of forest science. Our proposed TF contributes to the goals of the IUFRO post-2020 strategy. In terms of Goal #1 (Research Excellence), Objective #1 the capacity for PPM in forest ecosystems is not well developed in most parts of the world. Development of PPM by the proposed TF will be a significant step to developing capacity in PPM globally by engaging the global community in the activities and outputs of the TF. Objective #2 of Goal #1 of the Post-2020 Strategy is to identify emerging areas of research. The fourth agricultural revolution has been the incorporation of new technologies into agriculture. In forestry the incorporation of these technologies has progressed more slowly and PPM has only been developed conceptually. The topic of PPM is a significant emerging area of research. The third objective of the first goal of the IUFRO Post-2020 strategy is to increase interdisciplinary collaboration. As outlined above, central to the activities of the TF will be interaction of participants from multiple Divisions (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9). Further, the discipline of PPM is by its very nature interdisciplinary and demands interdisciplinary collaboration. The second goal of the post-2020 strategy is to improve communication and diversity. A priority of the TF will be inclusivity in membership in both the activities and governance of the TF. In addition, PPM is interdisciplinary by definition and to be successful the TF will need to engage a broad base of scientific expertise, some of which has not traditionally engaged with IUFRO. Their inclusion in both the activities and governance of the TF and consumption of outputs of the TF will increase and diversify the member base of IUFRO (Goal 2, Obj. #3). The third goal of the post-2020 strategy is to enhance visibility, outreach and education. In addition to producing outputs targeting education of scientists and pest management practitioners, the TF will look to develop policy briefs to enhance the impact of the TF and IUFRO on policy processes. To promote the uptake of TF outputs, we will look for opportunities to engage with policy makers including participation in policy webinars, meetings and working groups.

With respect to the IUFRO Strategy Action Plan, the research deliverables of the primary and secondary foci will address Obj. 2, Action 11 (publish reviews/ synthesis documents that summarize a topic and identify knowledge gaps). The networking deliverables (webinars, workshops, symposia, meetings) will address Action 14 of Obj. 2.

The topic of pest management is relevant to and draws expertise from several IUFRO divisions including silviculture (Div 1), physiology and genetics (Div 2), forest health (Div 7) and forest environment (Div 8)(as noted above a priority will be to engage members from these divisions in the activities of the Task Force). In addition to soliciting participation in the activities by members of those communities, the Task Force will promote inter-division collaboration (Obj. 3, Actions 16, 17) through joint workshops, webinars and meetings. The mentoring structure built into the Task Force will address Obj. 2, Actions 30, 32. The Task Force subject matter is relevant to several IUFRO themes and their emphasis areas including "Forests and Climate Change" and "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Biological Invasions".

Send comments to Jeremy Allison (Task Force Coordinator)