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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
History of Unit 1.01.04
Previously called the Forest Vegetation Management Unit, this unit has been meeting about every 3 years since 1992 (barring interruptions from COVID19 Pandemic). Previous conferences were held in Corvallis, OR, USA (July 2017); Halmstad, Sweden (August 2014); Valdivia, Chile (November 2011); Rotorua, New Zealand (March 2009); Corvallis, Oregon (June 2005); Nancy, France (June 2002); Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada (August 1998); Rotorua, New Zealand (March 1995), and Auburn, Alabama (April 1992).
At the Halmstad, Sweden conference in 2014, conference leaders proposed expanding the scope of the conference beyond managing forest vegetation to include all topics related to forest establishment and early stand dynamics, changing the name of IUFRO Unit 1.01.04 to Forest Establishment and Early Growth Dynamics. As such the working scope of our unit covers the science underpinning the period from tree planting to canopy closure, covering topics related to:
The goal of our next conference in Rotorua, New Zealand, March 2025, is to bring together forest leaders, researchers, practitioners, and technologists to present the state-of-the-art science and technology being developed and implemented to address the opportunities and challenges associated with actively establishing and regenerating forest ecosystems in an increasingly complex, extreme, and rapidly changing environment.
Kia ora tātou, hello everyone,To ensure we get as many attendees as possible, we have extended the deadline for abstract submission to Sunday, 13 October.
Kia ora tātou, hello everyone,This is your final opportunity to submit your abstract! The success of our event relies on the involvement of everyone passionate
The first international conference of IUFRO Unit 1.01.04 Forest Establishment & Early Growth Dynamics (formerly called Forest Vegetation Management) was held on July 11-13, 2017