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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
This Working Party considers the joint management of grazing ungules and forest ecosystems. The group is identifying cross-cultural, scientifically based principles and solutions for integrated wildlife, forest and landscape management.
An issue for many countries is the value of ungulates for hunting and recreation, with hunting leases often exceeding the annualized return from timber harvests. Additionally, there are a number of examples of negative effects of overabundant ungulate populations on forest ecosystems, regeneration and biodiversity. Direct ungulate impact on forest vegetation, regeneration and structure may even lead to cascading effect on forest habitat quality for a great number of species. Further, this may over time lead to reduced adaptability by the forest to climate change as well as the challenges imposed by invasive species as well as native and emerging pests, diseases.
Reminder: IUFRO Working Party 1.01.12 Silviculture and ungulates has developed a questionnaire for you.Please fill it in by 15 December 2024!
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