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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
Working Party 2.08.02 is interested in research on nitrogen-fixing genera, particularly those that are suitable for soil stabilization, wind protection, for use on poor soils, wetlands and in dry regions. Research interests include the biology of nitrogen fixation and optimization of growth and adaptability utilizing this property in domesticated species. Many species are multipurpose and important for farm forestry, agroforestry, pulpwood, firewood and charcoal and other products such as fodder for animals. Improvement strategies include propagation strategies, selection for pest resistance, disease resistance, and multiple traits, combined with appropriate silvicultural methods.
Find more details about the Unit here.
Participants of the Sixth International Casuarina Workshop strongly suggested to quantify the overall socio-economic and environmental benefits of Casuarina planting to better inform industry and
Conference title: Sixth International Casuarina Workshop: Casuarinas for green economy and environmental sustainabilityConference date: 21-25 October 2019Conference place: Krabi, ThailandResearch Unit(s): 2.08.02, Task Force Forest