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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
This Division includes research on the varied factors affecting the way forest plants grow and produce woody biomass and other products and the various ways the materials are used by industries and communities. Specific topics include: the microscopic and macroscopic structure of wood and its utilization; engineering properties; protection in storage and use; wood physics; drying, conversion, and performance of solid wood and wood composites in use; production of fibres, energy and chemicals from trees. It also includes research on the production, characteristics, and use of non-wood forest products, such as medicinal and edible components of forest crops. A very strong theme is the efficient and sustainable use of forests for the good of mankind.
Every four to five years the Division holds an All-Division 5 Conference. The previous one took place in Cairns, Australia; 4-8 June 2023. More information
The Call for Bids for the 2027 All-Division 5 Conference is open until 15 March 2025 - learn more!
The IUFRO Division 5 Forest Products Conference is held every 5 years.It is an apolitical, international forum open to all nations, for conducting the Division's
The Japan Wood Research Society (JWRS) invites all scientists interested and involved in various aspects of wood to the International Symposium on Wood Science and
IWMS-26 is the 26th in a series of world-class seminars started in 1963. It provides a distinguished forum for leading international researchers and practicing engineers