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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
The move by many countries to develop forest plantation is a key step towards conserving and managing the natural forest sustainably. Increasingly, more and more tree species have been introduced into forest plantation programmes.
A major concern of this Research Group is to document and make available information on the properties and utilization of newly introduced and exotic plantation woods through discussions, linkages, networks and other means. It is hoped that such actions would enable the utilization of such data for successful forest plantation programmes thus contributing to sustainable forest management.
A second objective is to provide a forum for researchers, especially those from developing nations, to pool resources through networking and collaboration to carry R&D. These are especially critical in areas of properties and utilization of newly introduced and exotic plantation woods where essential data are lacking.
A third objective is to coordinate and facilitate the holding of seminars, workshops, discussion groups for dissemination and exchange of information or data pertaining to the properties and utilization of newly planted timber species. Very often research data are not published, or only published locally and in native languages and are not widely known except through personal contacts.
Researchers of the group are encouraged to interact freely with other IUFRO Units such that an integrated approach to R&D is achieved. Researchers of other Units keen to know more about this Research Group are encouraged to contact the Coordinator, Deputy Coordinators or researchers.
Science has a major role to play in embracing the complexity of the challenge of meeting future and diverse demands on forests. This includes
This year we are starting IUFRO News Volume 50! Issue 1 of IUFRO News Volume 1 was published in September 1972 just prior to
Following the launch of the assessment on "Forests and Water" in 2018, the coordination team of the IUFRO-led Global Forest Experts Panels (GFEP) conducted