Become a member
Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
This newly formed Working Party has been established to examine global forestry issues related to the unwanted international movement of alien invasive species, including fungi, insects, nematodes, and plants. The increasing emphasis on pathways for movement of alien invasive species, especially those associated with packaging wood will provide a broad focus for the work of the WP. This emphasis provides an opportunity to integrate across a range of invasive organisms so that links to other IUFRO Working Parties dealing with insects, pathogens and invasive plants will be a priority. There are close relations with other IUFRO working parties as well as the International Forestry Quarantine Research Group (IFQRG) affiliated with the Food and Agriculture Organization, International Plant Protection Convention.
Specific Objectives
The periodicity of the meetings will be about 1-2 years. People interested in the Working Party or would like to be included in the mailing list should contact the Coordinator.
The Unit has not yet developed particular high interest topics, although the subject of phytosanitary risks from packaging wood in international trade is of current concern. The scope of the Unit, covering insects, pathogens and invasive plants, will provide the opportunity for cross-cutting analysis and research into a wide range of invasive organisms associated with international trade.
IUFRO World Day has been a major step in the adaptation of the IUFRO network to new ways of meeting, knowledge sharing, and embracing