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The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is the global network for forest science cooperation.
IUFRO's field of scientific activity is spread over a number of Divisions.
IUFRO Task Forces are established to advance inter‐disciplinary cooperation.
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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
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A 3-day workshop for Coastal Wind and Trees will be
Division 7 is excited to invite you to join us
18 February 2025, 6.00 pm CET / 5.00 pm UTCSpeaker:
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Chemically-mediated communication is most likely the oldest form of communication and consequently signalling molecules mediate how many organisms interact with their biotic and abiotic environment. Not surprisingly, the discipline of chemical ecology is key to understanding trophic interactions in forest ecosystems and has immense potential to contribute biorational pest management tactics.
This Working Party aims to promote and advance the fields of insect behavior and chemical Ecology by facilitating communication and cooperation among members of the forest entomology community. In particular, it will emphasize the role that chemicals play in mediating intra- and interspecific interactions and the behavioral reactions/ mechanisms involved. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this Working Party, we will attempt to meet jointly every 1-3 years with other Working Parties.
The disciplines of insect behavior and chemical ecology address the role that chemicals play mediating interactions among and within species, how organisms interact with their environment and the behavioral reactions involved. These disciplines have immense potential to both inform our understanding of the biological world and provide biorational pest management tactics. Historically these disciplines, in particular chemical ecology, have emphasized the identification of phenomena. As a result, our ability to describe patterns in the role of chemicals in the biology of insects and the associated behaviors, exceeds our understanding of why these patterns exist.
This Working Party will emphasize interactions with other working parties in an attempt to synergize advances in our understanding of the role of chemicals in the biology of forest insects, the behaviors involved, why these patterns exist and how this knowledge can contribute to forest health.
Besides information about the IUFRO World Congress 2024 and a focus on the IUFRO Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP), this issue presents to you the
Science has a major role to play in embracing the complexity of the challenge of meeting future and diverse demands on forests. This includes
The theme for this year's International Day of Forests (IDF) on 21 March is "Forests and sustainable production and consumption", accompanied by the slogan
Read an interview with Professor Daniela Kleinschmit, IUFRO Vice-President, Divisions, and find out why she specialized in forest policy and economics, why she thinks
Recent webinar series covered topics from "Climate Change Effects on Bark Beetle Range Expansion, Community Associates and Outbreak Dynamics", to "Visual Ecology of Forest Beetles.""In
Research in forest products culture looks, among other things, at how the use of wood and non-wood forest products has changed over time. It
IUFRO has already made significant contributions to fostering understanding of how forest landscape restoration (FLR) is implemented in different contexts. One of these contributions