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These efforts have yet to consider how differential capabilities within forest-based communities and landscapes based on social dynamics (such as gender, culture, and age) may affect the planning process and the adaptive capacity within communities. Furthermore, extensive review of forestry research across North America and western Europe, revealed virtually no theoretical or applied research that considers how differential social capabilities within forest-based communities affects adaptation to climate change. Research from developing countries and cognate resource sectors suggest that these considerations are critical for enhancing local adaptive capacity. Yet, we have no direct research or practice in Canada upon which to draw. Forum Purpose: The purpose of the forum is to generate and share usable knowledge that explains how gender and adaptive capacity of forest-based communities and land users (in Canada) are related, and, based on our understanding, to recommend changes to the 2011 national guidebook designed to help local officials assess their vulnerability to climate change and identify strategies for adjustment. Additionally, we will workshop papers that may form an academic book publication. The forum will bring key academics and practitioners together to address these issues. The forums objectives are to: share academic and practical knowledge relating to gender, adaptive capacity, sustainable landscapes and/or climate and other changes based on our individual research programs; (with a focus on boreal forest ecosystems) identify key questions to inform an understanding of how gender affects the capacity of communities to adapt to climate and other changes; suggest modifications to a guidebook that helps communities plan for adaptation; and identify additional outlets for using the results of our discussion, including publications and new funding/research opportunities. General Organization of the Forum: The invitation-only forum is an opportunity to exchange research and practice, and to identify how to bring our understanding to policy and academic venues. Attendees include: graduate students and faculty from the U of S, the University of Alberta, the University of Ume (Sweden) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala, Ume); research scientists from the Saskatchewan Research Council, the Canadian Forest Service; and practitioners from the Prince Albert Model Forest, the Beardys and Okemasis First Nation in Saskatchewan; and natural resource and rural community development consultants who have worked closely with Model Forest organizations. SUV緩oT;"1h/Q0h<B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h/Q0h@kB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 5h/Q0h@k0JB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 8h/Q0h@k0J5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 8hnhn0J5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH hnhn6]mH sH 2h@k0J5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH *h/Q00J5B*OJQJ^JmH phsH 0h/Q0h@k0J5B*OJQJ^JmH phsH  ]^pTUVk $^a$gd@k & FV^`Vgd<$a$gdn$a$gd@k$a$gd@kVd̳̳́̚1h/Q0hB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h/Q0h;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h/Q0h<B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h/Q0h@kB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h/Q0h@k5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH  wD & FV^`Vgd/Q0 & FV^`Vgd;21h:pn. 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