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In this perspective, the availability of lidar data can range between full coverage over a given territory, where these data can be exploited as ancillary data known for the entire population, to a sample of the territory based on transects below the flight lines to spot samples within transects, so to adopt e.g. multiphase/multistage estimation approaches. However, the potential to integrate lidar information in forest inventories at various scales under a sound statistical framework is an aspect to be further developed: this research workshop is conceived to give participants hands-on exchanges and experiences about such an issue. 14.30 - Welcome (G. Scarascia Mugnozza) 14.45 - Oral presentations (chairman: P. Corona) - Statistical advancements of lidar applications to support large-scale forest inventory (T. Gregoire) - Design-based treatment of missing data in two-phase forest inventories by using canopy heights from laser scanning (C. Pisani, P. Corona, G. Chirici, S. Franceschi, D. Maffei, M. Marcheselli, L. Fattorini) - Estimation of standing wood volume in forest compartments by exploiting lidar information (C. Torresan, P. Corona, L. Fattorini, S. Franceschi, G. Scrinzi) - Model-based estimations of forest biomass with airborne and satellite optical data: parametric vs non-parametric approaches (G. Chirici, R. McRoberts, G. Lopez, M. Mura, M. Marchetti) - Classification of coppice stands and high forest stands using airborne laser scanning data (D. Travaglini, F. Bottalico, G. Chirici, P. Corona, M. Marchetti, S. Nocentini) - Fusion of airborne lidar and satellite multispectral data for the estimation of timber volume in the Southern Alps (M. Dalponte, D. Gianelle) - Analysis of effects of scanning angle on vegetation metrics derived from airborne laser scanning in a nationwide acquisition (A. Montaghi, H. Olsson) 17.45 Overall discussion 18.00 - Conclusions (M. Marchetti) ---------------------------- Info: Riccardo Salvati,  HYPERLINK "mailto:piermaria.corona@unitus.it" riccardo.salvati@unitus.it, +39-0761-357425 |$ , - 3 5 M N V W ۼ{peUh0/h"[6CJaJmH sH h0/ha1CJaJh0/hI;CJaJ h0/h ' h0/hI; h0/h 8 h0/hd9 h0/hSh0/h25CJaJmH sH  h0/hc! h0/hXUTh0/hc!5CJaJhh*XCJaJh0/hSCJaJh0/hICJaJh0/hc!CJaJh0/hc!CJaJmH sH >|- M N W ~  $;x7$8$H$^`;a$gdzJ$;<7$8$H$^`;a$gdI$<7$8$H$a$gdI$<7$8$H$a$gdI $<a$gdI $<a$gdI   8 a c e o    o w } ~  ݻ{pepZhc&hc&CJaJh0/hICJaJh0/hc!CJaJh0/hd9>*CJaJh0/hd9CJaJhc&CJaJh0/hRCJaJmH sH #h0/hx%0J6CJaJmH sH #h0/hR0J6CJaJmH sH h0/hx%6CJaJmH sH h0/h"[6CJaJmH sH #h0/h"[0J6CJaJmH sH  1246?@BCWȼxhYhYJh0/hM:CJaJmH sH h0/hd9CJaJmH sH h0/hd96CJaJmH sH h0/h26CJaJh0/h2CJaJh0/h`7CJaJh0/hd9CJaJh0/hPCJaJh0/hP6CJaJh0/hd96CJaJh0/hc!CJaJhc&hICJaJhc&h ECJaJhc&hd9>*CJaJhc&hd9CJaJ @h>?Z[~ $<a$gdI$<7$8$H$a$gdI$;<7$8$H$^`;a$gdI$<7$8$H$^a$gdI$<7$8$H$^a$gdmz$x7$8$H$^a$gdzJkm+79Gfhj⥖vfvWGh0/hS6CJaJmH sH h0/h`7CJaJmH sH h0/h|$6CJaJmH sH h0/haz6CJaJmH sH h0/hI6CJaJmH sH h0/hazCJaJmH sH h0/hc!CJaJmH sH h0/hM:CJaJmH sH h0/h26CJaJmH sH h0/h2CJaJmH sH h0/hd9CJaJmH sH h0/h|$CJaJmH sH +1$%'(1Ӵzk\P\H=H=hmzhmzmH sH hmzmH sH hmz6\]mH sH hmzhmz6\]mH sH hmzhmzCJaJmH sH hmzCJaJmH sH h0/h BCJaJmH sH h0/hM:CJaJmH sH h0/h|$6CJaJmH sH h0/hM:6CJaJmH sH h0/h2CJaJmH sH h0/hd9CJaJmH sH h0/hYCJaJmH sH h0/hACJaJmH sH 1245>?DEFGPY[_cnopr~ֿ˷˫˘ˠˍ~l~^Ph0/hI;0J>*CJaJh0/hd90J>*CJaJ#jh0/hI;CJUaJjh0/hI;CJUaJh0/hI;CJaJhZyCJaJh0/hc!CJaJh0/hc!>*CJaJhi=CJaJh0/hd9>*CJaJh0/hd9CJaJhc&CJaJh0/hmzCJaJmH sH hmzhmzmH sH hmzmH sH  h0/hI;CJaJh0/hd9CJaJh0/hd9CJaJh0/hI;CJaJjh0/hI;CJUaJ,1h. 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