ࡱ> 463y bjbj8&{{ 66666JJJJ4~J  $lR66666p.1}"06 : Announcement IUFRO Working Party 2.08.02, Improvement and Culture ofNitrogen-Fixing Trees. Fifth International Casuarina Workshop, Chennai, Republic of India, 03 - 07 February 2014. Casuarina Improvement for Securing Rural Livelihoods Over two million hectares of Casuarina plantations raised throughout the tropics provide several socio-economic, environmental and ecological services. Their fast growth, adaptability to a range of edaphic and climatic conditions, multiple end uses and the symbiotic nitrogen fixing ability make them a highly preferred group of trees for farmers. They protect human habitats and agricultural fields through shelterbelts and windbreaks, help in reclaiming degraded sites and meet industrial raw material requirements for papermaking, plywood making and biomass-based energy generation. Nursery development, cultivation and harvesting of Casuarina generate livelihood opportunities for farmers and agriculture-dependent labour force in rural areas. Following earlier successful international meetings in Canberra (1981), Cairo (1990), Da Nang (1996) and Haikou (2010), IUFRO Working Party S2.08.02, Improvement and Culture of Nitrogen-Fixing Trees, is pleased to announce the Fifth International Casuarina Workshop to be held in Chennai, Republic of India, 03 - 07 February 2014. The objectives of the Workshop are to bring together researchers and others interested in development of Casuarinas and update and compile the knowledge on this important group of species so that the results are effectively used for improving livelihood opportunities in rural areas leading to enhanced wood production and farm income as envisaged by the draft working title of the Workshop: Casuarina Improvement for securing rural livelihoods. Outputs from the meeting will include a written proceedings and strengthening of the international network which support global R&D into the casuarinas. The Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB), Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) has agreed to act as host for the meeting. Dr V.K. Bahuguna, Director General of the ICFRE has been appointed as Chairman of the International Organising Committee and he is being assisted by Dr N. Krishna Kumar as Vice Chairman, Dr A. Nicodemus, Secretary and Khongsak Pinyopusarerk of CSIRO Australia, Dr Antoine Kalinganire of ICRAF (Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party, S2.08.02), Dr Claudine Franche of L'Institut de recherche pour le dveloppement (IRD) of France, Mr Stephen Midgleyof Salwood Asia Pacific, Australia and Dr Zhong Chonglu of Chinese Academy of Forestry, China. For further information, please contact: Dr A. Nicodemus Secretariat, Fifth International Casuarina Workshop Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education PB 1061, Forest Campus, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore 641 002, Republic of India E-mail: casuarina2014@gmail.com; nico@icfre.org Tel: +91 422 2484100, +91 422 2484194; Fax: +91 422 2430549 Mr Khongsak Pinyopusarerk CSIRO Plant Industry GPO Box 1600, Canberra 2601 Australia Email: khongsak.pinyopusarerk@csiro.au Tel: +61 2 62464851 Dr A. Kalinganire World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Sahel Node Coordinator Coordinator IUFRO Working Party S2.08.02, Improvement and Culture of Nitrogen-Fixing Trees BP: E5118 BAMAKO, MALI 1 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:A.Kalinganire@cgiar.org" A.Kalinganire@cgiar.org Tel: (223) 20709220 / 44901806 (operatror) Mob: (223) 76036370 Fax: (223) 44901807  \]  ! ; ɴɴɴɝɓsff\R\R\R\h@JCJ^JaJh,CJ^JaJh$56CJ^JaJh$h,56CJ^JaJh$h'v56CJ^JaJh'vCJ^JaJh,CJ^JaJh'vh4zCJ^JaJh4zCJ^JaJh'v5CJ^JaJh'vh'vCJ^JaJh'vh'v5CJ^JaJh'vh'vCJ^JaJh'vh'v5CJ^JaJ  \] , - &''CDEnd7$8$H$gd$ d7$8$H$d7$8$H$gd`d7$8$H$gd'v; > . / 5 6 F I J Y u    % ) * , - C ĺ}sih`CJ^JaJh4zCJ^JaJhFak6CJ^JaJh~6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~OJQJ_HmHnHsHtHN`N ~j@> i0Kommentarthema5\Lo1L i0Kommentarthema Zchn5CJ\aJZ@BZ i0Sprechblasentext dCJOJQJ^JaJVoQV i0Sprechblasentext ZchnCJOJQJ^JaJ6U`a6 0 Hyperlink >*B*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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