Scientific Summary 132 in IUFRO News Vol. 44, Issue 8, early September 2015
Discussing framework conditions and investment in research, education and capacity development necessary for achieving impact on policies and practices that promote forest sustainability
Investing in Knowledge Generation, Capacity Building and Education in Forestry
At the forthcoming World Forestry Congress, IUFRO will hold a side event on "Global Forest Science Cooperation - Investing in Knowledge Generation, Capacity Building and Education in Forestry" on 9 September, 18:15 – 19:30 hours, hall 1A (open to all interested parties).
Today's global challenges require responses that are well-grounded on shared scientific knowledge, across various research areas and with input from different regions of the world. At the same time, networking cooperation is a cost-effective way of how to create and share scientific knowledge.
Knowledge generation and its dissemination highly depend on skilled experts. However there are knowledge and skill divides across the world, often occurring between developed and less developed countries, but also within societies. Capacity building is key to address these divides.
And, to promote tomorrow’s experts on forests and forest management, there is also an urgent need to enhance forestry education with main emphasis in those parts of the world where educational institutions are lacking.
For all IUFRO events at the WFC, please visit:
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Investing in Knowledge Generation, Capacity Building and Education in Forestry
IUFRO fosters discussions on respective needs and benefits at a number of side events during the XIV World Forestry Congress in September in Durban, South Africa.
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