IUFRO Spotlights
IUFRO Spotlight #8 Combatting Climate Change Comprehensively
A recent study conducted in two forest-dependent areas in Africa emphasizes cross-sectoral planning as a key element in implementing any effective climate change adaptation strategy.This latest IUFRO Spotlight focuses on adaptation of forests and people in Africa, a theme that will also be high up on the agenda of the forthcoming First IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress on Forests and Trees Serving the People of Africa and the World that will be held from 25-29 June 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya (https://www.fornis.net/congress/en/homepage).
The study highlighted in this Spotlight issue is called Enhancing Adaptation of Forests and People in Africa – Development of Pilot Cases for Selected Forest Ecosystems in Ghana and Malawi. The authors, E.G. Foli and S. Makungwa, worked in those specific areas because they represent typical examples of the ecological and socio-economic situation prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa, so the findings could also be applied to countries in West, Central, Southern, and parts of East, Africa.
Further reading:
- Spotlight #8: PDF for download
- Ficheros:
- spotlight8-africa-adaptation-study.pdf163 Ki