IUFRO Spotlights
Anniversary Congress Spotlight #55 - Genetics research crucial to future forest health, adaptation, conservation and sustainable management
A Congress session focusing on the huge role of forest genetics/genomics in conservation and sustainable management of forests and in dealing with climate change issues
Dr. Om Rajora, Professor of Forest Genetics and Genomics at the University of New Brunswick, Canada, is the organizer and coordinator of a session at the Anniversary Congress entitled Genetics and Genomics for Conservation, Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Management of Forests.
He expects his session to explore the progress and promise of forest genetics/genomics research. This research is critical to understanding the biological functioning of forest trees, discovering genes, their sequences and functions and variants that control or affect growth, wood properties, adaptation, disease and insect resistance. It is also important to understanding genetic response of forest trees to natural and human disturbances, climate and environment change, among many other things.
Further reading:
- View all IUFRO Spotlights at http://www.iufro.org/media/iufro-spotlights/
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The detailed Congress program will be available in early August.
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