News Online
IUFRO News Vol. 46, Issue 8, early September 2017
Highlighting some of the major events at the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress and reporting about successful past meetings on forest products, sustainable resources from plantations and more...
What's on at the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress? In addition to lots of exciting scientific exchange and networking opportunities, it offers a unique chance for the scientific community to interact with national and international policy and decision makers and important stakeholders. Thus, make plans for attending the "Science in Dialogue" sessions on 19 and 20 September or follow the live streams.
This issue also reports about the recent All-Division 5 Conference in Vancouver, jointly organized by IUFRO Division 5, the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia, FPInnovations, and the Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) as their 60th International Convention. The theme of the Conference was: "Forest Sector Innovations for a Greener Future".
Find more reports from important meetings such as the IUFRO INAFOR Joint International Conference 2017, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on "Promoting Sustainable Resources from Plantations for Economic Growth and Community Benefits", or the Joint Regional Meeting of IUFRO Research Groups 3.03.00 and 3.06.00 in Asia, in Matsuyama and Kochi, Japan on "Productivity and Safety of Final Cutting on Mountain Forests".
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