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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 149 in IUFRO News Vol. 47, Double Issue 7/8, early September 2018

The conference on "Reforestation Challenges" in Belgrade emphasized: Only high-quality seedlings outplanted at the right place and at the right time will build resilient and sustainable forests.

Reforestation Challenges

The conference on "Reforestation Challenges" took place on 20-22 June 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia, at the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Belgrade. The Faculty is an IUFRO member and the Conference was sponsored by IUFRO Unit: 3.02.00 - Stand Establishment and Treatment.

Conference participants discussed the requirements for successful reforestation in view of the uncertainty of environmental changes. They highlighted, among others, the need for high quality forest reproductive material, from seed to seedlings, to ensure reforestation success. They also agreed that only the best nursery practices would result in high quality seedlings. Furthermore, the establishment phase, i.e. when seedlings begin to couple with the reforestation site by root growth into the surrounding soil, is probably one of the most critical phases in the reforestation process. This is why a good knowledge and understanding of ecophysiology is of a crucial importance for reforestation success. Finally, despite the availability of excellent high-tech tools and methods, there is a need for new techniques under uncertain global change, and this opens opportunities for new research and inventions.

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