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Activities and events

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International Conference on Climate Crisis: Conifer Forests at Risk 2025 Jeju, South Korea
Contact: Pil Sun Park, Email:
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Webinar Series "Pine Silviculture: International Success Factors": Pine plantations in South Brazil: State of Play online
Contact: Teresa de Jesus Fidalgo Fonseca, Email:

Calendar of Meetings

Upcoming IUFRO meetings

International Conference on Climate Crisis: Conifer Forests at Risk 2025; Jeju, Republic of Korea; 15-18 September 2025. Units involved: 1.01.05, 1.01.09, 1.01.10. Conference homepage  

Past IUFRO meetings

  • Webinar Series "Pine Silviculture: International Success Factors": Pine plantations in South Brazil: State of Play; online; 16 April 2024, 4:00 pm CEST. 1st announcement - Report   
  • Webinar Series "Pine Silviculture: International Success Factors": Pinus patula plantations in Africa: an overview. online; 3 May 2023, 3:00 pm UTC. 1st announcement - Report    
  • Abies & Pinus 2022. Fir and pine management in changeable environment: risks and opportunities - The 17th International Conference on Ecology and Silviculture of Fir and The 6th International Conference on Ecology and Silviculture of Pine; Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 19-22 September 2022. IUFRO Units involved: 1.01.09, 1.01.10. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - 2nd announcement - 3rd announcement - Poster - Program - Report
  • Webinar Series "Pine Silviculture: International Success Factors": Pinus radiata management in Chile; online; 13 July 2022,  3:00-4:30 pm UTC. 1st announcement - Program  
  • Webinar Series "Pine Silviculture: International Success Factors": Management of Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) for Resilience - A Central European perspective; online; 10 March 2022, 15:00-17:00 UTC +0. 1st announcement - Report    
  • Mixed species forests: Risks, Resilience and Management (cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak) ; Lund, Sweden; 25-27 March 2020. Units involved: 1.01.06, 1.01.10, 1.09.00, 7.03.00, 8.02.01. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - 2nd announcement    
    see Book of Abstracts on Publications page
  • PINUS WebCast "The Production Tables as a tool to support the management of Maritime Pine"; online; 21 July 2020, 11:00 a.m. WEST (UTC+1). 1st announcement - Report
  • Silviculture of maritime pine; Coimbra, Portugal; 22 November 2019. Flyer - Report - Newspaper article
  • COST Action EuMixFor: Management and use of mixed forests; Valladolid, Palencia, Spain: 21-22 June 2016.
  • 7º Congresso Florestal Nacional-Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Florestais; Vila Real e Bragança, Portugal; 5-8 June 2013. Conference homepage - Report
  • 5º Simposio Nacional Forestal: Bosques Plantados y Bosques Naturales: Pespectivas par su Uso, Manejo Sostenible y Conservación; Medellín, Colombia; 11 y 12 de octubre del 2012. Página web - Volante - Convocatoria para presentación de trabajos
  • MEDPINE 4: 4th International Conference on Mediterranean Pines; Avignon, France; 6-10 June 2011. Units involved: 1.01.10, 2.02.13, 4.00.00, 8.00.00, 8.03.05. Conference homepage - 2nd announcement - Scientific report - Pictures: Scientific study tour - Canopy
  • 4° Simposio Nacional Forestal: Energías Alternativas, Bosques y Cambio Climático; Medellín, Colombia; 12 y 13 de Octubre de 2010. Página Web
  • Global change and Mediterranean pines: alternatives for management/Cambio global y pinos mediterráneos: alternativas para los gestores; Palencia, Spain; 10-12 February 2010. Units 1.01.10, 2.02.13, 4.01.00. First announcement - Second announcementThird announcement - Poster - Summary - List of Participants - Meeting Evaluation
  • Unit 1.01.10 of IUFRO Division 1 'Ecology and silviculture of pine' sponsored two seminars that took place in the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal) in the fourth trimester of 2007. Both events were jointly organized by Project AGRO 372 ( and by the forestry students of UTAD (Cerne group

    The first seminar titled: 'Current issues of forest science: on October we talk about maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)' took place on 10 October 2007 and attracted 50 participants, namely forestry students, forest engineers and ecologists.

    The second sponsored seminar, related to the use of biomass for energy purposes. The event took place on 12 December 2007 and involved 70 participants. Key points discussed there were: alternative ways of bioenergy exploitation, the use of GIS for biomass existences assessment at regional level and a critical look to forest biomass availability vs needs consumption at national level.

Details see newsletter

Past other meetings

  • Two short courses on Collecting and processing forest inventory data:
    Course 1: Collecting Forest Resources Data
    Course 2: Processing Forest Inventory Data; Dili, East Timor; 2-13 August 2010.
    1st Announcement - Contact: Teresa Fidalgo Fonseca, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Departamento de Ciências Florestais e Arquitectura Paisagista

  • IX Congress of Forest Resources in México. 23-27 November 2009.