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Activities and events

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Calendar of Meetings

Past IUFRO meetings

  • Congresso Plantações Florestais; Piracicaba, Brazil; 23 a 25 maio de 2023. Sitio web - Report  
  • Managing for resilient forests in variable future climate; Stellenbosch, South Africa; 17-19 March 2021. Units involved: 1.02.01, 1.09.00, 5.01.04. Conference homepage
  • XXV IUFRO World Congress: Session "Silvicultural challenges under abiotic and biotic stresses and adaptations to climate change"; Curitiba, Brazil; 29 September - 5 October 2019. Conference homepage   
  • Managing eucalyptus plantations under global changes; Montpellier, France; 17-21 September 2018. Units involved: 2.08.03, 1.02.01, Task Force Forest Biomass Network , Task Force on Sustainable Planted Forests for a Greener Future. Conference homepage - Report