3.08.00 - Small-scale forestry
IUFRO International Conference on Small-Scale Forestry: Small-Scale Forestry and Modern Society
Tartu, Estonia; 22-26 August 2023
Topics of the Conference
- New directions for forest and environmental legislation against the background of global climate change
- Private forests and climate change: bioenergy production versus carbon sinks
- Political, economic, and practical issues of carbon sequestration in small-scale and community forestry
- Family and/or farm forestry
- Knowledge and wisdom of traditional forest practices in rural areas
- Roles and opportunities of forest owners' cooperatives
- Operation of small-scale sawmills and processing plants
- Promotion of non-timber forest products
- Forests for the future: small-scale products and ecosystem services
- Tourist and recreational use of forests
- Impact of forest and environmental protection laws and regulations on small-scale forestry
- Ecological and social restrictions imposed on small forest owners
- Comparative studies of forest and land related legislation in different countries.
Important Dates
- 10 January, 2023: First announcement and call for papers
- 10 March, 2023: Deadline for abstract submitted of first call
- 30 April, 2023: Notification of paper acceptance for first call
- 1 May, 2023: Registration opens
- 1 May, 2023: Second call for papers
- 31 May, 2023: Deadline for abstracts submitted of second call
- 31 May, 2023: Early bird registration closes
- 15 June, 2023: Deadline for submitting abstract changes
- 15 August, 2023: Registration closes
- 22-24 August, 2023: Conference
- 25-26 August, 2023: Post-conference excursion
Small-scale Forestry International Conference 2022: Progress in Small-scale Forestry beyond the Pandemic and Global Climate Change
Okinawa, Japan; 26-31 October 2022
IUFRO Units involved: 3.08.00, 9.06.00
Topics of the conference
- Policy framework for small-scale forestry against the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Community based and municipal forestry in remote areas including small islandsand mountainous regions.
- Family and/or farm forestry practices under the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Roles and possibilities of forest owners’ cooperatives.
- Knowledge and wisdom of customary forest practices in rural areas.
- Promotion of non-timber forest products in industrialized countries.
- Policy, economic, and practical issues in carbon sequestration in small-scale and community forestry.
- Activities of small-scale sawmills and processing factories.
- Tourism and recreational use of non-industrial forests.
- New directions for forest and environmental legislationsunder the global climate change.
- Impact of forest and environmental protection laws and regulations on small-scale forestry.
- Comparative studies on forest and land related legislations in developed countries.
Important dates
November 20, 2021: First announcement and call for papers
March 31, 2022: Deadline for abstract submittedof first call
May 1, 2022: Second call for papers
June 20, 2022: Deadline for abstract submitted of second call
July 31, 2022: Early bird registration closes
September 30, 2022: Registration closes
October 26-29, 2022: Conference
October 30-31, 2022: Post-conference excursion
Conference homepage: https://www.iufro2022okinawa.org/
Call for Papers: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div3/30800/okinawa22-call-for-papers.pdf
Call for Articles
New Paradigms in Forest Certification for Ensuring the Sustainability of Wood and Non-Wood Products in Developed and Developing Countries
Journal: Small-Scale Forestry
Guest Editor: Dr. Puneet Dwivedi, Associate Professor (Forest Sustainability), Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, puneetd@uga.edu
This special issue of Small-Scale Forestry seeks to publish qualitative and quantitative articles focusing on forest certification and its impact on people, supply chain (timber and non-wood products), and ecosystem services from developed and developing countries.
Deadline: 18 December 2020
Details: https://www.springer.com/journal/11842/updates/18533366