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The present structure of IUFRO Division 3 has its roots in the 1970s and 1980s. One of the major critiques is that
the present structure has too many narrowly focused research and working groups that limit effective communication within the small forest operations research community.

IUFRO’s 2005 strategy aims at improving the effectiveness of its activities and to adjust the research agendas to the „challenging problems“ that will drive research within the next decade. Following the principle „structure follows strategy“ IUFRO Division 3 started a reorganization process. During the XXII IUFRO world congress, held in Brisbane in Aug-2005, representatives of Division 3 agreed to adjust the structure and to direct it towards the goals of IUFRO’s 2005 strategy (table 1).


Tab. 1: D3 strategy: linking goals to actions



D3 actions

Strengthen research

  • Identify key issues
  • Asses and adjust structure in relation with key issues
Expand strategic partnership and

  • Develop joint activities with international science organizations and institutions
  • Continuously develop and implement GFIS

Enhance the communication with the scientific community

  • Improve dissemination of knowledge according to scientific standards and customs
Enhance the communication with policy makers
  • Actively design operations related policies and provide them to policy-makers