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6.00.00 - Social Aspects of Forests and Forestry

Co-Coordinators:Deputy Coordinators:
Purabi Bose, Sweden
Justin Morgenroth, New Zealand

Ellyn Damayanti, Indonesia
Sreetheran Maruthaveeran, Malaysia



Latest Issue of Division 6 Newsletter

In Issue 6, welcome incoming Division 6 Coordinator Purabi Bose, read about IUFRO's Invisible Mentors and the activities of Division 6 at the All-IUFRO Conference in September!

Read the latest issue: Division 6 Newsletter - Issue 06 - October 2022
Read previous issues:

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About Unit

Division  6 covers research topics dealing with forest and human health, forest education, forest ethics, gender and forestry, landscape planning and management, nature-based tourism, nature conservation and protected areas, recreation, rural development and urban forestry. The goal of the Division is to enhance research on social aspects applying an integrated approach  to planning and management of forest resources and use, and to be implemented in theory and practice. Advances in forestry education and the concerns of forest ethics as well as equity issues such as gender aspect are the keys to improve the skills, knowledge and professionalism of the community of foresters and forests scientists for realising this integrated approach. Division 6 serves as a platform for co-operation and communication of the scientific community working with the social aspects of forests  and forestry. The purpose and goal of the division is to further improve interdisciplinary communication, and to support the provision of respective benefits to urban and rural populations and societies as a whole, both locally and globally. The work in Division 6 will enhance the goals of the IUFRO strategy.