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Task Force members

TF Forests, Soil and Water Interactions

The coordinator of the Task Force is Prof. Xiaohua (Adam) Wei, University of British Columbia, Canada.

Management Committee
The Coordinator will be assisted by a Management Committee that will be responsible for making decisions re the location and content of meetings and other key outputs of the Task Force.

This will comprise:

A/Prof. Heidi Asbjornsen, Uni. New Hampshire
Dr. Brenda Baillie, Scion Research
Prof. Kevin Bishop , SLU
Dr. Juan A. Blanco, Universidad Publica de Navarra, Campus de Arrosadia
Prof. Mercedes Bustamante, Universidade de Brasília
Dr. Jean-Michel Carnus, INRA
Prof. Irena Creed, Uni. West. Ontario
Dr. John Diiwu, Alberta Government
Prof. José Leonardo de Morales Gonçalves, Brazil
Dr. Mark Gush, CSIR
Dr. Lars Hogbom, Skogforsk
Dr. Gary Kerr, UK Forestry Commission/EiC Forestry
Dr. Dan Neary, USDA
Dr. Jami Nettles, Weyerhaeuser
Prof. Liu Shirong, CAF
Ms Elaine Springgay, FAO
Prof. Yanhui Wang, CAF
Prof. Adam Wei, UBC
Dr. Pengtao Yu, CAF
Prof. Richard Harper, Murdoch University
Dr. Steve McNulty, USDA
Dr. David Ellison, Consulting, Sweden
Dr. Julia Jones, Oregon State University, USA
Dr. Yusuf Serengil, Istanbul University, Turkey
Dr. Mingfang Zhang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Dr. Junwei Luan, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing

Task Force Secretary: Dr. Ning Liu

Additional members are currently being invited from international government and non-government organizations and industry.

Send comments to Xiaohua (Adam) Wei (Task Force Coordinator)