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Report by Xiping Wang, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Research Group 5.01.00 Wood and fiber quality; and Raquel Gonçalves, University of Campinas (raquelg(at)g.unicamp.br), Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 Forest products
The 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium (FPS | NDTE Symposium | Brazil) was hosted by the School of Agricultural Engineering of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (FEAGRI/ UNICAMP) and the Brazilian Association of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (ABENDI). It was held in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, September 17-21, 2024.
This symposium was a forum for those involved in nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT/NDE) of wood and brought together many international researchers, NDT/NDE users and suppliers, representatives from various government agencies, and other groups to share research results, products, and technology for evaluating a wide range of wood products, including standing trees, logs, structural lumber, engineered wood products, and wood structures. Networking among participants encouraged international collaborative efforts and fostered the implementation of NDT/NDE technologies around the world.
The opening ceremony was attended by authorities from UNICAMP, FEAGRI, ABENDI, and the Forest Products Laboratory, and participants were welcomed by the International Committee and the symposium co-chairs, Dr. Raquel Gonçalves and Dr. Robert Ross. The ceremony ended with a performance by the Unicamp choir, Ziper na Boca.
During the symposium's banquet, special recognition awards were presented to Dr. Xiping Wang for his distinguished service in the symposium series and research efforts in the field of nondestructive evaluation and to Dr. Houjiang Zhang for his outstanding research, support of the symposium series, and excellent teaching efforts in the field of nondestructive evaluation of wood. Dr. Robert Ross and Dr. Peter Niemz, both recently retired, were also honored for the significant contributions they have made throughout their careers to the field of NDT and to the success of the symposium series.
On Tuesday (Sept. 17) before the official symposium, a day-long technical workshop was conducted on "Urban Tree Evaluation and Monitoring – a systemic approach", followed by the welcome reception in the evening.
A total of 81 scientists, technology developers, practitioners, and students from 18 countries (Australia, Brazil, China, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay, United States, and Vietnam) attended the event (Photo 1). In addition to the general session, the program included five technical sessions and one poster session. A total of 63 technical presentations were delivered during the three-and-half-day conference, including 43 oral presentations and 20 poster presentations. The technical content of the symposium has been captured in 309 pages of proceedings, which can be accessed from the FPL website.
The 24th International NDTE of Wood Symposium will be held in Vicksburg, MS, USA (late summer/autumn 2026)! Stay tuned for further information!