IUFRO Spotlight #77 - Stepping up the Global Discussion on Forest Education
While there is a large body of knowledge in environmental education, research on forest education is meager. The Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education wants to raise awareness on this gap.
The TF is a joint effort between IUFRO and the International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA). It aims to identify, compile and communicate the gaps and challenges in forest education and highlight the need for innovation.
"Forest education can be considered a powerful means to collectively reduce our ecological footprint, to reconnect people with nature and to encourage citizens to become part of a multi-stakeholder coalition," said Prof. Sandra Rodriguez, the IUFRO Coordinator of the Joint TF
Alex Onatunji, IFSA Coordinator of the Joint TF, said: "The TF is a bridge – to provide current research on forest education around the world; to build capacities of students to meet current job trends in the forest sector and also to improve the teaching of forest and related sciences on a global level".
Both coordinators also address the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis for students, professors and researchers. The high cost and slowness of the internet in many countries make online teaching and learning difficult. And, not being able to practice in the field is frustrating for teachers and students.
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