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IUFRO Spotlights


IUFRO Anniversary Congress Spotlight #51 - Pooling resources to meet sub-Saharan forest challenges

Collaboration and cooperation are the keys to facilitating learning and making better use of research outcomes in sub-Saharan African countries facing severe forestry challenges.

That's the philosophy behind the IUFRO Anniversary Congress session on the Impact of forestry research on policy, livelihoods and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa coordinated by Dr. Joseph Cobbinah of CSIR Forestry Research Institute of Ghana.

Currently there is often a lack of connection between the researchers, forest managers and policy makers and the local communities, which are the direct beneficiaries of the research. Dr. Cobbinah is hopeful his session will provide a pathway to better understand how forest research results feed into policy decisions, contribute to economic development and affect livelihoods in the region and also help rejuvenate the FORNESSA (Forest Research Network for Sub-Saharan Africa) network.

Further reading:

See you at the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress in Freiburg, Germany!

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The detailed Congress program will be available in early August.


Read the full Spotlight article:

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