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IUFRO News Vol. 46, Issue 11, November 2017

A series of successful meetings on a wide range of topics from the sustainable management of teak resources to non-destructive testing and evaluation of wood are covered in this issue of IUFRO News.

At the Teaknet partner event held during the 27th Session of the Asia Pacific Forestry Commission meeting at Colombo during 23-27 October 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, IUFRO, FAO, and TEAKNET promoted the initiation and implementation of a global program for the conservation, improvement, development and sustainable use of teak genetic resources.

Participants of the 28th IUFRO conference for Specialists in Air Pollution and Climate Change Impacts on Forest Ecosystems in Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan, 22-26 October, shared the current state of knowledge on scientific gaps in the understanding of the interactions of climate change, air pollution and forest ecosystems, and talked about research priorities and challenges for future research.

During the 20th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDTE) of Wood Symposium held at the USDA Forest Products Laboratory (FPL), 12-15 September, 2017, in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, researchers, users of various nondestructive testing technologies, equipment development and manufacturing professionals and representatives from government agencies presented latest findings and new nondestructive testing products and technologies.

Also read reports from the Fifth International Conference "Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources", the 9th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference (PRWAC) and Annual Meeting IAWS 2017, the joint symposium of Forest Operations Researchers and Geospatial Scientists and the the International Symposium on Sustainable Forest Management in the Context of Global Change (ISSFM-CGC), and much more…

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