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Occasional Papers


Occasional Paper 26 - Forest governance scholarship for the real world: Building strategic insights through policy learning

Update: Forest governance scholarship for the real world: Building strategic insights through policy learning - Issues & Options Briefs on Forest Policy

New Issues and Options Briefs of Forest Policy

The IUFRO Task Force on International Forest Governance, together with the Governance, Environment and Market (GEM) initiative at Yale University released a first set of "Issues and Options Briefs on Forest Policy" on 16 November 2013, at the Global Landscapes Forum in Warsaw. On 21 March 2014, the International Day of Forests, a new Issues and Options Brief has been added and more are to follow in the coming weeks.

The latest brief is entitled "How Can Liberia's Government Prevent Private Use Permits from Degrading Liberia's Forests?"  The papers offer strategic options for strengthening international forest governance initiatives based on insights taken from scholars and practitioners. They showcase ways of how these two can collaborate effectively to translate, disseminate, and apply scholarly analysis to landscape management challenges through policy learning, training and capacity building.

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