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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 28, 2007

"Low-input Strategies Needed in Tree Breeding and Genetic Conservation" – Read the recommendations and findings from the 2006 joint IUFRO Division 2 conference on this pertinent topic.

Read more about findings and recommendations from the joint IUFRO Division 2 Conference on "Low-input Breeding and Genetic Conservation of Forest Tree Species" that took place in Antalya, Turkey, from 9-13 October 2006.

While "high-input" breeding programs of primary forest species can contribute to increased productivity and efficiency of planted forests, "low-input" strategies are essential essential for the continueation of breeding and conservation work of many tree species, particularly in developing countries.  Thus, breeding programs require a combination of "high- input" and "low-input" strategies and should always have a strong conservation component as well.

Full text of the Scientific Summary (in PDF format).


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