Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary No. 53, 2009
The IUFRO conference on Gender Issues in Natural Resources Management held in Dehradun, India, explored experiences with gender sensitivity and gender analysis in forest management.The IUFRO conference on Gender Issues in Natural Resources Management held in Dehradun, India, from 16-19 November 2009 was hosted by the Forest Research Institute (FRI). Participants from countries in the North and the South looked at experiences with gender sensitivity and gender analysis in forest management and discussed challenges to the sustainable livelihoods of forest dwellers and users in many countries of the world. Research questions and issues included concerns about the perceptions of climate change, the impact of policies on men and women, and the informal ways in which forest management affects men and women.
Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:
Gender Issues in Natural Resources Management
By Siegfried Lewark, 6.08.02 Education, Gender and Forestry, and Gun Lidestav, 6.08.01 Gender Research in Forestry
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