Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary No. 76, 2010
The IUFRO 2.01.12 canopy processes meeting in southeast Australia highlighted the challenges for a better process based understanding of forest sciences in a changing climate.The theme of the 11th Meeting of IUFRO Working Party 2.01.12 held in southeast Australia, 7-15 October 2010, was to explore existing knowledge and outline the challenges of predicting the response of forest canopies to a changing climate. New technologies and emerging modelling approaches are helping to improve our mechanistic understanding of canopy processes at scales ranging from the cell to region. However, key uncertainties remain with respect to processes regulating carbohydrates, respiration and ageing and mortality in forests and how these processes will respond to future climates.
Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:
Canopy Processes in A Changing Climate
By Anthony O’Grady, Chris Beadle, Michael Ryan
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