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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 138 in IUFRO News Vol. 45, Issue 6, early July 2016

The symposium "Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting" in Vienna, Austria, highlighted both the productivity and heterogeneity of research in this field.

Non-wood products, forest services, urban forestry, bio-energy, financial reporting, national accounting, value chain analysis, payments for ecosystem services, forest planning, forecasting, perceptions and performance are just a few of the keywords illustrating the rich pool of contributions, related issues and approaches.

Future research in managerial economics and accounting seems especially promising in regard to the multi-functionality of forests and required adaptations in view of changing framework conditions. According to the heterogeneity of research issues, a broad range of methods - quantitative as well as qualitative ones - have to be applied and refined.

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