Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary 144 in IUFRO News Vol. 46, Issue 11, November 2017
Operations researchers and remote sensing scientists shared their findings in applied optimization, simulation, management science and geospatial informatics at the 2017 SSAFR.
Forest Operations Researchers and Geospatial Scientists Meet in Joint Symposium
The Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR) is an international gathering taking place every two or more years since 1975. The 2017 SSAFR took place in in Suquamish, USA, on 27-30 August 2017. It was unique in that it brought together two traditionally disconnected disciplines both working on forest decision support systems: the remote sensing/geospatial informatics community and operations researchers. The former group is concerned with how to best collect and process data on forests and other resources, whereas the latter tries to optimize resource management given whatever data is available. Despite the obvious feedback between the two groups, so far they have generally operated separately.
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