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Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 145 in IUFRO News Vol. 46, Issue 11, November 2017

The ISSFM-CGC in China addressed the restoration of forest resources, the enhancement of ecosystem functions of existing forests and the sustainable management of forest ecosystems.

Sustainable Forest Management in the Context of Global Change

Discussions at the International Symposium on Sustainable Forest Management in the Context of Global Change (ISSFM-CGC) in Harbin, China, on 1-3 August 2017, focused on the following themes:

•    Restoration and rehabilitation of forest ecosystems in the context of global change
•    Sustainable management of forest ecosystems in the context of global change
•    Forest ecosystem services and functions in the context of global change

Participants concluded, among other things, that it is vital to understand the short-term/long-term environmental and societal impacts of planted forests in order to find ways of achieving desired goods and ecosystem services while improving their vitality, resilience and sustainability. There is a need to set up long-term silvicultural trials where the dynamics of planted forests can be monitored and adjusted over time.

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