Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary 150 in IUFRO News Vol. 47, Issue 9, early October 2018
Discussing innovative multiple inventory techniques and management science methods to preserve the forest ecosystem for future generations with a focus on Asia.
Innovative Natural Resources Inventory Approaches
Presentations at the 2018 joint symposium of Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management (SFEM) and multipurpose inventory held in Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, China-Taipei, covered the topics of forest growth and mensuration, climate change, geospatial technology and environmental monitoring, and forest management and policy mainly in the Asian context.
Asian terrestrial ecosystems and forests show a variety of physical and biological features, and the methods that people rely on to maintain the forest are different across the forests in local and regional areas. Recently, the ability to use new technologies such as terrestrial and airborne lidar data, hyperspectral images and high spatial resolution UAV images to measure forest inventory has significantly increased. Thus, a technical basis for the implementation of precision forestry has developed in the region. However, conference participants concluded that it should also be considered to combine different techniques such as mathematics and statistics, management science, and geospatial technologies.
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