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2.02.15 - Breeding and genetic resources of five-needle pines



Save the date for the 8th IUFRO International Workshop on Resistance Mechanisms and Breeding in Forest Trees (previously known as the International Workshop on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions in Forestry), which will take place on June 2 to 6, 2025, in Vernon, British Columbia.
The workshop is sponsored by the IUFRO working parties 7.03.11 “Tree Resistance to Insects and Pathogens” and 2.02.15 “Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines".
SCOPE OF THE WORKSHOP: The Tree Resistance Workshops series provides an international forum to discuss the status and future plans for both tree resistance breeding programs and scientific research efforts in the field of tree resistance mechanisms against pathogens and insects. The topics of discussion will include, among others, conventional tree breeding initiatives, ecology and genetics of resistance and tree-antagonistic relationships in natural and managed tree populations, mechanisms of recognition and signaling of biotic damage and plant defensive strategies, comparative genomics, GWAS, genomic selection and other genomic initiatives looking for resistance, interactive effects of climate change and abiotic stressors with biotic resistance, the role of microbiome in resistance, and new methods, technology, and tools for resistance screening. The primary audience is those involved with operational breeding programs as well as academic researchers and extension professionals. We welcome the participation of students and early career professionals.
PLEASE HELP US: To help with the planning of the event, please let us know your interest and if you are planning to attend by filling out the following short survey by May 31st, 2024: View/vote in browser
FOR MORE INFORMATION (or if your organization is interested in sponsoring this workshop): please contact Caterina Villari ( and Nicholas Ukrainetz ( Further details regarding registration, abstract submission, and travel arrangements will be provided in August 2024.


7th IUFRO International Workshop on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions in Forestry Understanding forest tree-antagonistic interactions in a changing world

Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain; NEW DATE: 12-17 September 2022!
Units involved: 7.03.11, 2.02.15, 2.02.20, 7.02.05, 7.02.09, IUFRO Task Force on Forests and Biological Invasions.

Managed and natural forests provide essential ecosystem services worldwide. Due to the free of movement ofpeople and goods across biogeographical zones,tree species are increasingly challenged by emergent invasive biotic threats.We can see large range expansions of pests and diseases, as well assudden shiftsto naïve hostspecies. Moreover, climate change is also increasingabiotic tree stresses, whichsynergistically interact with tree resistanceleading to negative effects on tree survival and forest resilience. Althoughforest tree species are known to harbour high levels ofgenetic variation, most remain fairly unstudied, particularly in traits related tohost tolerance and resistancetobiotic and abiotic stressors.To understand such variations, within the framework of the genetics of tree-antagonist interactions, is necessary to forecast the survival and prevalence of forest populations in a changing environment. This knowledge can also be exploited in breeding programs aiming to improve forest health. The scientific community ispushingfor an urgent multidisciplinary and coordinatedeffort to solvethese challenges,making use of current and newknowledge, strategies and technologies. Geneticists, evolutionary biologists, ecologists, phytopathologists, entomologists, plant physiologists, breeders and managers are all involved in this challenge. This workshop will provide the idealforum for updating knowledge, evidences, solutions and failuresbetween scientific, academicand practicalapproaches. It is also an opportunity toenhancethe dialogueof long experienced expertise with the newgenerations of scientists, which will provide creative and newsolutions in the near future.



2019 Joint Meeting of IUFRO Working Parties: Genetics and Breeding of 5-needle pines (2.02.15) and Rusts of Forest Trees (7.02.05).

Invermere, BC, Canada; 22-26 July 2019. Units involved: 2.02.15, 7.02.05.

This international meeting will address; - Breeding and genetic conservation of  5-needle pines, with special reference to screening and genetics programs for resistance to White Pine Blister rust (Cronartium ribicola); - Update the current state of knowledge of research in rusts (including blister rust) of forest trees. The conference will be held in conjunction with interested local attendees from other groups, including the Governments of BC, Alberta, and Canada, the USDA Forest Service, local universities, the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation, and industry partners.

Conference homepage    

NEW: Draft Programme  


SAVE THE DATE: Tree Resistance to Insects and Diseases: Putting Promise into Practice

August 5-10, 2018, Mt. Sterling, Ohio USA

Make plans to attend the 6th International Conference on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions: Tree Resistance to Insects and Diseases: Putting Promise into Practice. 

The conference will be held at the Deer Creek State Park Lodge and Conference Center, Mt. Sterling, OH, and will feature keynotes by invited speakers, technical sessions with contributed research talks and discussions, and a field trip tour of the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station Forest Science Laboratory. 

This conference will enhance the dialog of experts and young scientists on: 1) the current and emerging challenges posed by pests and pathogens to forest tree species; 2) the current status and extent of our knowledge of genetic foundations of resistance to these threats; 3) the emerging ideas and technologies from around the globe that are relevant to resistance genetics and breeding programs; 4) the successes to date in applied resistance breeding programs; and 5) creating a vision for the next decade for work in this area. 

Unlike most scientific conferences, this meeting features a workshop-style format to encourage participation, communication, and engagement. Organizers will bring together a diverse group of scientists from around the world to share current research and build future collaborations related to tree resistance to insects and diseases. Currently, the conference is being sponsored by the USDA Forest Service, several IUFRO units, and the Forest Health Research and Education Center.

More information can be found on the conference website: