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6.00.00 - Social Aspects of Forests and Forestry


Issue 7 of Division 6 Newsletter

In Issue 7, Division Coordinator Purabi Bose explains the new position of Division Co-Coordinator and the election of the scientists to those positions for the upcoming Board term. The newsletter features publications by Division 6 officeholders and much more!

Read the latest issue:  Division 6 Newsletter - Issue 07 - June 2023
Read previous issues:


Latest Issue of Division 6 Newsletter

In Issue 6, welcome incoming Division 6 Coordinator Purabi Bose, read about IUFRO's Invisible Mentors and the activities of Division 6 at the All-IUFRO Conference in September!

Read the latest issue: Division 6 Newsletter - Issue 06 - October 2022
Read previous issues:


2nd of the Division 6 Webinar Series Successfully held!

Being a Forest Scientist during a Global Pandemic
25 June 2021, 14.00-15.00 hrs Central European Time.

This 2nd Division 6 webinar took the format of a panel debate on the work and life of forest scientists during a global pandemic. What have been the major challenges and how have people dealt with them? Was it possible to balance work and family? What are the impacts on careers and research? Has anything good come out of this?

ProgrammeVideo recording of webinar:


1st Webinar of Division 6 Webinar Series successfully held!

IUFRO Division 6 webinar series: Forests, nature, and public space during the global pandemic;
online; 19 March 2021, 14:00-15:00 hrs Central European Time. 

This webinar, the first in a series hosted by IUFRO's Division 6, presented and discussed research on the role of forests, nature, and public space in urban areas during the Covid-19 pandemic.

How have our local green spaces helped us to cope with the public health crisis? Have we seen changes in the use and perception of urban nature? Will this affect the way in which we plan, design, and manageour urban green areas and public spaces, and perhaps even our cities?

Should you have missed the kick-off webinar, visit:


News from IUFRO's Division 6

Division 6 Newsletter Issue 02 features news about the latest activities of Division 6, such as the Virtual Division 6 Officeholder Meeting, the newly launched virtual seminar series and the upcoming EFUF Urban Forestry Days.

Learn more at

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