9.05.00 - Forest policy and governance
5th International Forest Policy Meeting
hosted by the University of Helsinki, Finland; 10-12 April 2024
Units involved: 9.05.00, 9.05.04.
The 5th IFPM is an in-person conference and aims to provide an open environment to present, interact and critically discuss new insights to wicked problems. The conference will facilitate the exchange of the latest research in the field. The event is organized by the University of Helsinki.
The IFPM5 offers keynote, panel and roundtable discussions together with parallel thematic sessions. The 09.05.04 is represented with the session 6.1 "None-state Forest owners and land use in Eastern Europe" taking place on 11 April 2024.
Registration is open until 15 February 2024.
Details: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/international-forest-policy-meeting-5
Eastern Africa Regional Alumni Capacity Building and Networking Seminar - Call for Applications
Enabling services from land and water resources through actor-oriented forest landscape restauration
Kampala, Uganda; 5-11 March 2023
Eastern Africa Regional Alumni Capacity Building and Networking Seminar: Enabling services from land and water resources through actor-oriented forest landscape restauration Kampala, Uganda; 5-11 March 2023 Call for Applications! Not only since the founding of the Global Landscape Forum in 2013, there is a growing recognition that urgent, complex development policy issues require landscape-based approaches to overcome one-dimensional and disciplinary silo-thinking. Solving natural resources management and governance conflicts and crisis require interdisciplinary and holistic ways in policy making and corresponding actions on the ground. This paradigm change manifests in the rise of integrative concepts to natural resources management such as Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) or Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Such multi-disciplinary approaches impose new demands on traditional disciplines such as forestry, hydrology, ecology, nature conservation or agriculture to think outside the box. It challenges scientists, policy-makers, development practitioners and entrepreneurs to increasingly communicate and cooperate beyond their disciplinary scopes.
The seminar addresses nationals from Eastern African countries who formerly studied (BSc, MSc, PhD) or participated in short-term trainings (minimum 3 months) at a German university, and are currently living and working in their home countries. Interested alumni from all disciplines (natural and social sciences) and all sectors (science and research, administration, civil society, private sector, development cooperation) engaged in natural resources and environmental management are cordially invited to apply.
Details: https://tropicalforestry.wordpress.com/2022/09/28/call-for-applications-eastern-africa-regional-alumni-capacity-building-and-networking-seminar/
COVID-19-induced Visitor Boom Reveals the Importance of Forests as Critical Infrastructure
Guest blog provided by Lukas Giessen, Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group 9.05.00 – Forest policy and governance
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the globe have implemented a certain degree of lockdown, restricting citizens’ freedom of movement and freedom of assembly. An article recently published in Forest Policy and Economics by Jakob Derks, Lukas Giessen and Georg Winkel of the European Forest Institute, Bonn, Germany, aims to illustrate the impact that the measures against the spread of COVID-19 have on forest recreation.
Read more at: https://blog.iufro.org/2020/08/31/covid-19-induced-visitor-boom-reveals-the-importance-of-forests-as-critical-infrastructure/
Hot off the Press: Forest policy and governance: Taking stock of multiple environmental social sciences
Special issue of Forest Policy and Economics, on International and multi-disciplinary scientific conference "Forest policy and governance: Analyses in the environmental social sciences"; Bogor, Indonesia; 4–6 October 2016.
Edited by: Dodik R. Nurrochmat, Eny W. Astuti, Lukas Giessen, Ahmad Maryudi. Forest Policy and Economics Volume 91, Pages 1-116 (June 2018)
Details: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/forest-policy-and-economics/vol/91/suppl/C
International Conference on "African forest-related policy and politics"
The University of Göttingen, Germany, and the University of Dschang, Cameroon, announce the IUFRO 9.05.00 social sciences conference on "African forest-related policy and politics". We specially invite African scientists and mixed research teams to submit proposals. This international and inter-disciplinary scientific conference aims to advance cutting edge knowledge on the emergence and evolution of African forest-related policy and politics. The conference will take place in Yaoundé –Cameroon from September 24th to 27th 2018, with the institutional support of the Commission of Central African Forests (COMIFAC).
Details: http://www.iufro.org/download/file/27540/4801/yaounde18-call-for-abstracts_pdf/