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Activities and events

Past Task Force meetings

  • There were two kinds of involvement at the 2010 IUFRO World Congress

    1.    Presentation of findings on "Governance of Landscape Mosaics:  Experiences on Five Tropical Sites" as part of a panel being organized by Jean Laurent Pfund on "Improving livelihoods through research and action in biodiversity-rich tropical forest landscapes".

    2.    An introduction to decentralization issues as a moderator on a panel organized by Monika Singh from UBC, entitled 'An Honest Conversation about Decentralization and Forest Livelihoods in a Globalized World: Case Studies from Four Continents'.  This panel appears to be the first all-female panel IUFRO has ever had; and has been tentatively upgraded to a sub-plenary session.

  • Forests, human health and well-being: findings of IUFRO's recent science initiatives;
    Buenos Aires, Argentina; 19 October 2009, 12.45–14.15 h;
    Side Event organized by IUFRO Task Forces "Forests and Human Health", "Traditional Forest Knowledge" and "Improving the Lives of People in Forests" at the XIII World Forestry Congress.
    1st Announcement - Programme

    Peter Cronkleton represented our Task Force in this side event at the World Forestry Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in collaboration with two other IUFRO Task Forces:  Traditional Knowledge and Forests and Human Health. Peter reports that the session was well attended and well received.

Other meetings

Marcus Colchester reports that the Forest Peoples Program, with a number of indigenous peoples spokespersons, was strongly present at the latest Convention on Biological Diversity meeting in Montreal in November. An excerpt from the summary (more on FPP's website):

"The recent sixth meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity's Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions (WG8(j)-6) took place in Montreal from 2-6 November 2009. Parties acknowledged the importance of customary sustainable use of biological resources by indigenous peoples and local communities and agreed that this should receive more attention in the implementation of the whole Convention. Indigenous participants were satisfied with the meeting's outcomes and commented that their timely input and preparations had paid off."



Most of our activity will be organized via internet (with the possibility of a blog or webpage) by email, though we expect to take advantage of chance meetings among small groups of members at the meetings of others.

Send comments to Carol J. Colfer (Task Force Coordinator)