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Publications and references

Janis Alcorn: Best REDD Scenario: Reducing Climate Change in Alliance With Swidden Communities & Indignous Peoples: Alliances of communities and their organizations in collaboration with governments and/or REDD investors offer an urgent opportunity for controlling the largest sources of carbon release from tropical deforestation.   This REDD scenario opens a new path that entails recognizing and respecting the positive values of swidden and swiddening communities unappreciated in the past. When this path is not taken, REDD can threaten the forest as well as the livelihoods, food security, and rights of millions of forest-dependent peoples and communities.   

Cynthia McDougall ,  Bishnu Hari Pandit, Mani Ram Banjade, Krishna Prasad Paudel, Hemant Ojha, Manik Maharjan, Sushila Rana, Tara Bhattarai and Sushma Dangol have published  Facilitating Forests of Learning:  Enabling an Adaptive Collaborative Approach in Community Forest User Groups, a Guidebook (CIFOR, Bogor, 2009), which draws on their decade-long experience in Nepal.  Congratulations to the authors for this long-awaited book!

Forests for People:  Community Rights and Forest Tenure Reform.  Edited by Anne Larson, Deborah Barry, Ganga Ram Dahal and Carol J. Pierce Colfer.  Earthscan/CIFOR, London, 2009.

Irene Guijt’s (2007) book entitled Negotiated Learning:  Collaborative Monitoring in Forest Resource Management (ACM Series. Washington, DC, Resource for the Future/Center for International Forestry Research) was published in mid-2007.  This book contains chapters by the participants in CIFOR’s ACM (adaptive collaborative management) program, from Asia, Latin America and Africa.

A user friendly book on participatory modeling by Jerry Vanclay, Ravi Prabhu and Fergus Sinclair, entitled Realizing Community Futures (2006, London, Earthscan) has been partially distributed in developing countries.  Although published in 2006, there had been no funds for dissemination, and we were able to arrange through CIFOR to distribute several hundred copies of this interesting and valuable book, which uses examples from India and Zimbabwe to demonstrate the use of participatory modeling and explain how to do it in accessible language.

The 2006 book, Kehutanan Multipihak:  Langkah Menuju Perubahan, edited by Linda Yuliani, Djugendi Tadjudin, Yayan Indriatmoko, Dani Wahyu Munggoro, Farid Gaban, Firkan Maulana and Hasantoha Adnan, brought together NGO experiences from all over Indonesia in an attempt draw out lessons on how to conduct effective, beneficial multistakeholder processes in forest management.  This year this book was translated into English and published as Multistakeholder Forestry:  Steps to Change (2007, CIFOR, Bogor).

Dari Desa ke Desa:  Dinamika Gender dan Pengeloalaan Kekayaan Alam [From Village to Village:  Gender Dynamics and Management of Nature’s Wealth] (2007, CIFOR, Bogor) was edited by Yayan Indriatmoko, Linda Yuliani, Yunety Tarigan, Farid Gaban, Firkan Maulana, Dani Wahyu Munggoro, Dicky Lopulalan, and Hasantoha Adnan.  This book, like the previous one, brings together experience, mainly of NGOs in Indonesia, focusing instead on experience trying to improve gender equity in forest management.

Carol J. Pierce Colfer wrote Simple Rules for Catalyzing Collective Action in Natural Resource Management Contexts (2007, CIFOR, Bogor).  This short and simple manual is designed to help those interested in working with communities (and others)---such as community, conservation and development workers, NGOs, projects---to help them develop and institutionalize pro-active analysis and self-help or empowerment.

Yurdi Yasmi published his doctoral dissertation from Wageningen University in the Netherlands:  Institutionalization of Conflict Capability in the Management of Natural Resources:  Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Experience in Indonesia.  It analyzes conflicts and the process of escalation in three of CIFOR’s ACM locales (Jambi, Sumatra; Bulungan, East Kalimantan and Danau Sentarum, West Kalimantan).

Fisher, R. J., R. Prabhu, and Cynthia McDougall, eds. (2007). Adaptive Collaborative Management of Community Forests in Asia: Experiences from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.  This brand new collection pulls together summary analyses from each of the three countries, as well as providing a readable and understandable introduction to the concepts of ACM.

Significant progress was made toward the publication of a book about ACM experience in Cameroon, which we expect to be out soon:

Diaw, M. C., R. Prabhu, and Tony Aseh, eds. (forthcoming). In Search for Common Ground:  Adaptive Collaborative Management of Forests in Cameroon. Bogor, Indonesia, CIFOR.  This book is composed of 21 chapters almost exclusively by Africa researchers, and includes attention to methods and tools, to meso-level analysis, and to complementary efforts by other stakeholders in Cameroon.

Send comments to Carol J. Colfer (Task Force Coordinator)